The Club
By adminSons of War is a wargaming club based in Cambridge, UK.
We meet every Wednesday 6.30-10.30pm.
We aim to cover any systems of interest to our members, including 40k, Horus Heresy, Adeptus Titanicus, warhammer, Marvel: Crisis Protocol, Deadzone, Kings of War, Magic, Warmachine, Malifaux, Infinity, boardgames, GW specialist games- whatever you want.
We are currently over 18s only.
– 11+ full size (6’X4’) boards
-All in a large Scout hut with room for expansion for more tables when we have more members (and, since the refurbishment, it is pretty warm too).
– Terrain for all boards to a minimum of 25% coverage for 40k to the hyper-dense requirements for games like Infinity…trees, hills, graveyards etc for Fantasy games, but primarily it is 40k based terrain..
– All game systems supported either through copies of rules and army lists through to support just from having the tabletop prepared for you!
– Remember, those 6’4’ can and will be split into smaller skirmish gaming tables if necessary, increasing our gaming capacity by about a third..
– Game arrangement, mainly via our Facebook page (we also have a free forum but this largely unused now). You can just turn up on the night, but nearly everyone arranges games in advanced, and you are much more certain to get a game this way. Join us to chat about topics and club events, as well as to get in touch with local guys and arrange games in advance, so you know what system to bring along etc.